
CLEAR - Centre for Envelope Antibacterials partners with:


Denmark: With over 40,000 students and more than 9,000 employees, the University of Copenhagen is one of the largest institutions of research and education in the Nordic countries.

At the Department of Veterinary and animal sciences there are approximately 70 PhD students and research focuses on animal and zoonotic bacterial infections, with antimicrobial resistance and antimicrobial drug discovery being major research areas. As part of the Faculty of Health and Medical Science there is a close interaction between veterinary and human sciences giving strong support for One Health approaches.

















Tübingen Uni logoTübingen is among the world’s foremost universities and expressly supports common European values. These include the freedom of research and academia, the freedom of expression, the equality of all human beings and respect for human dignity, regardless of a person’s origins, religion, social status, gender, or sexual orientation. The University of Tübingen actively supports positive developments in society and peaceful coexistence, sustainable development, and the protection of the environment.

We regard the diversity of our students and employees as a great strength. It is our paramount task to support them in their quest for knowledge and education. An important factor in the success of a university is the motivation of its employees. With this in mind, the University makes every effort to enable its students and employees to reconcile the demands of family with their studies and working lives.

The University of Tübingen is committed to the highest standards of research and teaching across a broad spectrum of subjects.



The University of Amsterdam is ambitious, creative and committed: a leader in international science and a partner in innovation, the UvA has been inspiring generations since 1632.

Innovative and independent

We are an innovative, committed and independent university that is working towards a sustainable and prosperous future. Interdisciplinary research, cooperation and innovation are the key to scientific innovation. We rank among the international top institutions of higher education. 
More than knowledge alone
We promote an open and curious attitude. We want to equip students not only with knowledge, but also with the skills to navigate a dynamic world. This requires diversity of perspective, agility and resilience. Students have the freedom to ask questions and engage in debate. We do this with respect for the contribution, background and beliefs of each and every individual, so that everyone feels welcome and safe.

Since 1632

Since its foundation in 1632, the UvA has grown into one of the leading universities across the full spectrum of the arts, humanities, natural sciences, social sciences and medical sciences. Its 6,000 staff, 3,000 PhD candidates and 40,000 students work and study together at various locations in Amsterdam.

This is how we look towards the future

Digitalisation in research is transforming the methods of all disciplines and the teaching of the future. For this reason, we invest in new areas of expertise, teamwork and a state-of-the-art infrastructure for research and new, innovative teaching methods. This leads to closer cooperation between disciplines – helped by our strength in artificial intelligence, data science and complexity – and to a smart combination of on-campus and online teaching, allowing for more interaction and a more intensive learning experience.

The UvA is a partner

Working with partners strengthens our teaching, research and impact. Together with the city, region and national and international partners, we seek an optimal interaction between science, practice and policy.

If you would like to know more about our ambitions, motives and challenges for the coming years, read our Strategic Plan or take a look at our Vision on Teaching and Learning.



UCC logo

We’re an award-winning institution with a history of independent thinking stretching back over 170 years. UCC is proud to be ranked in the top 1.1% of universities in the world. Our beautiful university opened its gates to just 115 students in 1849. We now have a student population of over 24,000.

University College Cork (UCC) is an internationally competitive, research-led university that plays a key role in the development of Ireland’s knowledge-based economy. Our institutional research strategy focuses on creating and supporting world-leading clusters of researchers, building on the research strengths of the University, and is aligned with key Government strategies including the Strategy for Higher Education to 2030 (Hunt Report)and Ireland’s Strategy for Research and Development, Science and Technology, Innovation 2020.

The UCC Research & Innovation Strategic Plan (2017-2022) details a number of performance targets for research and economic development that seek to position UCC and Ireland as an international innovation development hub.

In the strategic plan, UCC's key research priorities areas, based on areas in which UCC has excellence, scale, competitive advantage and network to deliver significant impact, were identified as:

  • Culture, Society, Rights & Identities
  • Financial & Business Services
  • Food & Nutrition
  • Future & Emerging Technologies
  • Health & Wellbeing
  • Sustainability & Climate Action



About Bioactive Coating

CMD-COAT SA is a spin-off company of Liège University, Liège, Belgium, located in Sart-Tilman near by the CHU, and dedicated to developing a bioactive coating to prevent infection and thrombosis of catheters. The company addresses important medical, economic and societal needs related to the two most frequent complications associated with devices routinely used in medical practice, and for which there are no specific medical treatment.
Our patented technology confers the surface desired features such as antifouling, antiadhesive, antimicrobial and antithrombotic properties that will guarantee longer clinical performance than currently available catheters.
This innovative solution will be subsequently adapted to other types of implantable medical devices such as pacemakers or heart valve prostheses, either mechanical or biological, in order to improve their durability.

Read more on the website



NAICONS is a company specializing in natural products, particularly molecules produced by microorganisms. It owns one of the world’s largest and most diversified collections of actinomycetes, filamentous bacteria that are prolific producers of bioactive molecules.

NAICONS team has extensive experience in natural products and bioinformatics and has developed the micro4all platform: an extensive and searchable database of molecules produced by its proprietary microorganisms, in ready-to-screen extracts and annotated through a proprietary automated pipeline. The database, which includes known and yet-to-be-described molecules, represents a gateway to natural molecules and will make the drug discovery process more effective and efficient, providing also ready access to hard-to-find microbial molecules.